There is no shortage of ways for Austinites to give back this holiday season. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to make a difference — even small acts of kindness can help in a big way. From volunteering your time with animals to donating gifts to a family in need, we’ve compiled a few of our favorite ways to spread some holiday cheer.

Angel Tree | Give joy to a child in need during this holiday season by providing them with gifts they have wished for.
Donation Deadline: December 15

Austin Pets Alive! | Volunteers are critical to the success of APA! especially during the holidays. Volunteer any day of the week and even adopt a new family member this holiday season.

Central Texas Food Bank | They make it easy to fight hunger in our community by offering various ways to donate. For every $1 donated, eight meals are provided.

Coats For Kids | December 8th, the Junior League of Austin will hold the 32nd annual Coats for Kids where they will provide over 35,000 warm winter coats children in need. You can donate coats or volunteer for the event!

Helping Hand Home | Help victimized children by donating your time as a volunteer or providing them with some much-needed items from their wish list.

inLieu | An app that allows users to make donations in lieu of purchasing gifts. In addition to streamlining the online donations process, inLieu also allows users to organize and RSVP to events.

Meals on Wheels | A holistic nutrition program that provides home-delivered prepared meals for seniors and other homebound clients throughout the Greater Austin area. Learn about the opportunities to volunteer in the kitchen or become a driver.

Operation Blue Santa | There are two ways to donate. You can donate gifts that they will deliver to children in need, or you can donate financially that helps run their organization and get gifts to those who need them most.
Donation Deadline: December 15

Ronald McDonald House | From volunteering to providing meals, there are many ways to help Ronald McDonald House Charities provide stability and vital resources to children in need.

SAFE Alliance | Help the SAFE Alliance spread holiday cheer by accepting, sorting, wrapping, and distributing the thousands of gifts donated by the community for the survivors of domestic abuse.
December 7 – December 20

Soldiers’ Angels | Soldiers’ Angels offers many wonderful programs to help support military families, deployed service members, wounded service members and veterans.

Toys For Tots | Help spread some cheer to children in need by donating a new toy, host a Toys for Tots event at and collect toys for Toys for Tots, or volunteer at their local warehouse.
Donation Deadline: December 20